The image I finally settled on was of me, as a 5 year old, swinging in the backyard in the apple tree I always wanted, but never actually had. Instead, I swung from the laundry poles, which of course, was forbidden. And, for good reason as I eventually fell and broke my arm. But, I was a swinger and did so at every opportunity. Finally, when I was an adult my Grandmother gave my Dad an apple tree with 4 or 5 varieties of apple on one tree. It was his pride and joy, but I was middle aged before it was large enough to support a swing. Did I mention that my folks had planted a Weeping Willow in the backyard when I was small? If ever there was a tree that did not offer the possibility of a swing it is a Weeping Willow. It finally grew too large and they cut it down, but fat lotta good that did me. So, my image is a fantasy - a complete fabrication, but it would have been true if I had carried a little more clout in the landscaping field at the time.
The print I did for the exchange was a bit more simple. On the second printing I included a stencil and an additional bokashi, and beefed up the color on the red dress. When printing for the exchange I ran out of time to do much experimenting, so it came later. I lost track of how many drops were involved, but I'm guessing about 15, at least. It seemed like a hundred and I began to think I was going to have to live well past 100 to finish. The paper is Echizen Kozo from McClains Printmaking supplies and it is truly a joy and the colors do glow! It is such a pleasure when things do what is promised!
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