Monday, November 23, 2015

Ponies as art?

I confess:  I really do not know what is art and what isn't anymore.  All I know is that my gallery has called for Toy related images for Dec.  It is a group show and the entire downtown is going to be toy themed.  Ugh.  I don't do toys.  Or do I?  For the year of the horse last year I did a little ride about pony that my granddaughters both dearly loved.  They rode that pony until I think it's little red wheels were down to the hubs.  As usual, I had printed way more cards than I needed for the Horse Year, so I took one of the left-overs and whacked off the 2014, added an eyeball and a different ribbon, and voila! We have art.  I think.  What I do know for sure is that it is a toy. Of course, I didn't think of taking photos until it was already in the frame, so I apologize for the reflections.

All dressed up in a frame, he-she-it is looking pretty fancy.

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